Sophie Adler
Young Adult Financial Empowerment Program Coordinator

Sophie Adler (she/her/hers) is the Young Adult Financial Empowerment Program Coordinator at Tzedek DC. This 8-week program provides DC young adults with the tools and resources to strengthen their financial skills and plan for their financial futures. Prior to her role as program coordinator, Sophie was a Ronald R. Glancz Avodah Corps Member Volunteer at Tzedek DC.

She graduated from Pitzer College, where she majored in Political Studies and minored in Legal Studies. At Pitzer, she was one of the leaders of the Prison Abolition Collective and the Transformative and Restorative Justice Collective, as well as a member of the women’s club basketball team.

Sophie has experience with policy-based economic justice work. As a policy intern for Starting Over, Inc., a reentry nonprofit based in Riverside, California, Sophie led policy education workshops and created a support manual to help justice-impacted individuals navigate disputing and/or paying off criminal legal system fines and fees in Riverside County.